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Time Amulet - By RealTimCurry

Contact the author - @RealTimCurry on Twitter @joey_stalls on instagram

Chapter 1 - Coco is a Moron

Coco woke up with anxiety. The history test was tomorrow and while she had studied she just wasn't the best in that subject. She wishes she could learn history like Mymy. She got herself ready and came downstairs for breakfast. It was just Mymy, Mom, and herself because Maya hadn't gotten up yet. Sometimes she worries about Maya. She spends all day in her room and doesn't really have any friends at school. Thinking of all of this made Coco realize she hadn't spoken to Maya all weekend.
She hurried to finish her breakfast and went upstairs. She put her ear to Maya's door to see if she was busy. Silence. She gave a quiet knock and a groggy "come in" rang through the door. Coco opened the door and saw Maya half-awake in her bed. "Come on Maya it's half past 10," she said while shaking Maya. She was having none of it.
"Let me sleep more, I didn't get to last night" she complained. Coco began to drag her out of bed, inconvenienced yet with a smile on her face. Maya grabbed at her sheets trying to avoid it at all costs but Coco was much stronger from playing rugby. Finally, Maya fell off the bed. This greatly angered her. "Don't you know to take a hint!" She shouted. Coco was frustrated, all she wanted to do was see her sister.
She should know there are a million other things she could be doing but she chose to spend her time with her. Maya was too tired to understand her perspective. Maya turned away to her bed and Coco grabbed her arm. Maya came around hard and pushed her into the wall. Guilt rushed over Maya like a tidal wave, but she was about to learn a new meaning of guilt.
Coco had fallen to the ground and was feeling a lump on her head. She looked down in horror. "My necklace!" She gasped. Sure enough, her necklace had broken into three pieces on the carpet. Maya was in shock at what she had just done. "Coco, I'm-" "I've had it since I was 4. It was my only memory of my old parents."
Tears began pouring down Coco's face and Maya couldn't keep her composure long either. Coco left to tell her Mom of what had happened. Maya curled up into a ball on the ground. She picked up the pieces in her hand only to watch a single tear fall and splash on to all three of them. They began to glow green. She was compelled to hold them but they soon grew too hot and she tossed them on the floor.
Mymy burst through the door with rage on her face. "It w-was an accident" Maya yelped, Mymy wasn't moved. She replied with scorn "I don't care that you didn't mean to break the necklace. You hurt Coco and if you had-" She noticed the green splinters of crystal, which were now hovering in the air. "What in the name of God?"
She said mesmerized by the crystals, which were growing in size. Coco walked into the room, her makeup was smeared around her eyes. She was awestruck by what was in front of her, the crystals had grown to be nearly 2 feet long each. A deep voice boomed out. "Who are you?". Coco responded, "my name is Coco, this is Maya, and this is Mymy". "So you are thy who have come to unlock the time amulet." It roared.
"The WHAT?" Mymy yelled. "The time amulet!" It repeated. It spoke with a much more casual tone "Wait are you girls not cool explorers or something. I was expecting this to sort of being like Indiana Jones, not a fan-fiction written by a fifteen-year-old with a spelling issue." Maya asked, "Huh?". It replied, "Nevermind, way too meta for you anyway".
A return to seriousness was had and it said " Since you are unaware of my legacy, I am the time amulet. At your command I will bring back one person, one place, and one thing from the past." Mymy went first "I know a thing! Bring back the strongest army to ever fight!" "As you wish. You there, with the dark hair, what will you bring back?"
Maya wasn't sure what to say, she finally gave an answer "Traditional Japan." Mymy rolled her eyes. Coco spoke, "Well, if I'm gonna bring back a person I should pick someone good." History was not her strong suit "The guy who killed Hitler!" She said with innocent enthusiasm. And with a woosh and some cool magic stuff, it was done.