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Time Amulet - By RealTimCurry

Contact the author - @RealTimCurry on Twitter @joey_stalls on instagram

Chapter 2 - A Threat To National Security

Maya and Mymy stared in silence for a little in shock at two things: first; there was just a God-like being summoned to their house, second; Coco was enough of an idiot to summon Hitler of all people. Coco was not aware of the fact that Hitler killed himself at the end of World War Two, therefore she was only shocked about one of those things.
"So, uh, what now?" Mymy Asked.
"Well I didn't think of the fact that we might have to seek out these things instead of them just magically appearing for us", Maya said.
"I think maybe we got tricked" Mymy reluctantly stated. Meanwhile, in Berlin, a young woman named Liesel was speaking to the security team about a man sleeping on one of the beds in the Fuhrerbunker museum. The security guard on duty was appalled by this and went immediately to put an end to the situation. The security guard was a middle-aged woman who was quite large but could get around well. She was in great contrast to Liesel, who was very thin yet moved slowly and softly. Liesel led the guard to the room she had entered into to see the man sleeping.
"This is it," she said pointing to the door. The guard opened the door and was shocked to see a man who greatly resembled Adolf Hitler sleeping in a reconstruction of the bed of the former dictator. She violently shook him awake.
"What are you doing here you neo-nazi?" She shouted at him. She pulled him out of bed with impressive strength and the man, Hitler, called the names of all of his former colleges. Then as the security guard threw him off of the premises of the historic building, he made a scene of himself by claiming he would have her killed for this. A crowd had gathered around to record the incident and to hurl their insults at the man who was least deserving of a second chance in life. Slowly, what had first been angered confusion turned into horrific realization.
"I don't think I'm in 1945 anymore," he muttered to himself. In only a few hours; viral images, videos, and news broadcasts had spread all over Europe and the United States. The German police were on to Hitler as public displays of Nazism had been banned in the country. Meanwhile, Coco, Maya, and Mymy were contacting local news stations to explain what was going on. The news writers must have been on hard drugs because when the three teenage girls told their story about a magic time amulet, the news writers believed every word of it. The following day, everyone in the Netherlands knew that Coco was responsible for this. It wouldn't be long before she started getting judgemental looks from peers at school and that the Dutch government would label her
"a threat to national security". Following this order, the Dutch prime minister ordered that all three of the Schoppenboer sisters be placed on the no-fly list. It was also, not unnoticed that Japan had devolved 1000 years backward in technology and that Mongolia was preparing invasions of Russia and China. Gloomy analysts who wanted an easy paycheck all over the globe were calling this the beginning of World War Three. But not all hope was lost, for an ally will soon come to the aid of the Schoppenboers. As for whom, let's just say the history channel may have been right about a few things regarding extra-terrestrial life.