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Smut - By Zoeyotgw

Contact the author - @anglozellig on Twitter

Chapter 1

Mymy was a bit odd for a girl her age. Whilst Maya would always watch those weird Japanese porn cartoons, and Coco would always do her thing when she was home alone, Mymy preferred abstinence. Not that she didn’t get ‘urges’, she just didn’t feel… right whenever she tried to act on them, so she just ignored them.

What concerned Mymy, however, was how she only ever seemed to get these urges around other girls. ‘Nothing to worry about’, she’d think to herself, ‘My body’s just confused’.

What concerned Mymy even more, however, was how her body was currently reacting to being pinned down on a bed by her sister Maya. The feeling of her sister's hands around her wrists, grasping to her firmly yet hesitantly. The sensation of Maya’s warm, shallow breaths hitting her face. Mymy’s crotch felt like it was throbbing - she could barely control herself, she felt that if she lost focus for even a second she’d lunge forward and press her lips against those of her sister, part them with her tongue and-

“Um… Mymy?”

Suddenly, Mymy was back in reality. What she found incredibly erotic was actually the result of yet another failed ‘invasion’ of the uncharted territories of Maya’s messy room. Mymy had rushed in not five minutes ago, armed to the teeth with her barely-held-together toy rifle, and had quickly (and embarrassingly) been routed by the enemy, and pinned down so that she couldn’t call for backup. “Why are you, uh, looking at me like that?” Her dashing assailant asked. Mymy could only answer with a dazed look that could only be described as a pufferfish mid-orgasm, except even goofier looking. So goofy, in fact, that Maya actually seemed to smile a bit. Mymy’s heart fluttered.

Maya’s gaze pierced straight into Mymy’s heart, or brain or whatever, which really put her in a tough spot considering she desperately needed to escape and retreat back to base (actually a pillow fort). Mymy needed a plan - and fast, if she wanted to escape with her wounded heterosexuality afloat, but the only thoughts she could manifest were not really that much to do with escaping. In all honesty, Mymy wanted Maya to rip off her clothes and have her way with her right there, though of course that wouldn’t help her get away. Mymy tried hard to think of an escape plan, but they all eventually led to fantasies of getting completely fucking railed by her sister.

‘Fuck it’, Mymy thought, coming up with a plan on the spot after a tense, ten-second staredown with her captor. The girl let her arms do as they wished, reaching forward, behind Maya’s head, wrapping around her neck and pulling her down into her. Before Maya could even process what was happening, their faces were mere centimetres apart.

Mymy opened her lips, and kissed her sister.

“YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!” She then screamed, shoving Maya, who had just experienced the romantic equivalent of a flashbang, away and onto the ground. Mymy frantically jumped up, desperate to make her heartfelt kiss seem like a simple ruse to get out of her sister's grasp, and (gently) kicked Maya away, lurching forward out the door and into the light.

She was safe, but now Mymy was fucking horny.